Global Evolution Funds - Emerging Markets Corporate Debt - I GER (EUR)

WKN A3D9RS | ISIN LU2596346440 |  Fonds

Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Rentenfonds
Branche Anleihen Unternehmen
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds -
Auflagedatum 31.03.2023
Fondsvolumen 549,68 Mio. EUR

Größte Positionen

Prosus NV 4.027% 03/08/50 2,07 %
Hunt Oil Co of Peru LLC Sucursal D 8.55% 18/09/33 2,05 %
Buffalo Energy Mexico Holdings / B 7.875% 15/02/39 2,04 %
WE Soda Investments Holding PLC 9.375% 14/02/31 1,96 %
Sonstiges 91,88 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +18,06 % -
3 Jahre p.a. - -
5 Jahre p.a. - -
52W Hoch:
1.245,5100 EUR
52W Tief:
1.050,8200 EUR

Konditionen für Handel via KAG

Transaktionsentgelt 3,00 %
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,75 %
Annahmeschluss -

Fonds Prospekte

2024 Halbjahresbericht (30.06.24)


The Fund is incorporated for an unlimited period and liquidation shall normally be decided upon by an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders subject to the quorum and majority requirements applicable for amendments to the Fund's articles of incorporation. The investment objective of the Sub-Fund is to create returns. To achieve this objective, the Investment Manager will invest generally in USD or USD hedged denominated transferable investment-grade-quality or speculative-grade debt securities that are issued or guaranteed by corporations, sovereign, quasi-corporations, supra-nationals and multilaterals domiciled in the emerging markets. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 40% of its Net Asset Value in other transferable investment-grade- quality or speculative-grade debt securities issued by corporations, sovereign, quasi-corporations, supra-nationals and multilaterals, money market instruments, deposits, cash and cash equivalent.
Fondsmanager: -


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