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EuroTeleSites AG

WKN A3EVYK | ISIN AT000000ETS9 |  Aktie
10.05.24 17:35
Bid: -  |  Ask: -

Aktuelle Entwicklung


Eröffnung 3,640
Schluss 09.05.24 3,640
Tagestief 3,585
Tageshoch 3,650
Vol. (EUR) 75,81 Tsd.
Vol. Stk. 20.913
Preisfeststellung 31


Name Aktuell Zeit Vol. Stk.
Wien 3,60 EUR 10.05.24 20,91 Tsd.
TradeGate 3,55 EUR 10.05.24 937
Berlin 3,56 EUR 10.05.24 0
Düsseldorf 3,55 EUR 10.05.24 0
Frankfurt 3,54 EUR 10.05.24 0

Letzte Umsätze

Zeit Vol. Stk. Kurs
10.05.24 17:35:14 475 3,600
10.05.24 17:29:30 146 3,630
10.05.24 17:29:30 200 3,630
10.05.24 17:17:06 138 3,605
10.05.24 17:17:05 32 3,630

Enthalten in Fonds

Keine Daten verfügbar


Geschäftsjahresende: 31.12.
Zeitraum 2023/24 2023
Gewinn pro Aktie - 0,05
Dividende pro Aktie - -
KGV 75,41 76,04
KBV 2,56 2,58
Marktkapitalisierung Mio. 418,05 603,03


EuroTeleSites, a listed company on the Prime market of the Vienna Stock Exchange, is a leading provider of telecommunications infrastructure and solutions in the CEE region. It is building the region’s digital infrastructure by operating over 13,200 strategically located sites. As a European player among the top 30 tower companies worldwide, EuroTeleSites´ goal is to further strengthen its position as a trusted partner in the telecommunications industry. Besides A1 as the anchor tenant, customers range from mobile network operators to internet service providers, enterprises and government agencies. EuroTeleSites is dedicated to delivering reliable and innovative infrastructure solutions to meet the ever-growing connectivity needed in today´s world.

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