Lemanik SICAV - Global Equity Opportunities - Capitalisation Institutional EUR

WKN A0Q4MU | ISIN LU0334153623 |  Fonds


Fondgesellschaft Lemanik AM
Region weltweit
Branche Branchenmix
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
Vertriebszulassungen Österreich, Deutschland, Schweiz
KESt-Meldefonds Ja
Auflagedatum 04.06.2008
Ertragstyp thesaurierend
Fondsvolumen 54,12 Mio. EUR
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Im Rahmen der Anlagestrategie kann in wesentlichem Umfang in Derivate investiert werden.Die Fondsbestimmungen des Lemanik SICAV - Global Equity Opportunities - Capitalisation Institutional EUR wurden durch die FMA bewilligt.Der Lemanik SICAV - Global Equity Opportunities - Capitalisation Institutional EUR kann mehr als 35 % des Fondsvermögens in Wertpapiere/Geldmarktinstrumente folgender Emittenten investieren: by an EU Member State, by its regional authorities, by a Member State of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), such as the United States, or by a public international organisation of which one or more EU Member State(s) is (are) member(s)


KAG Lemanik AM
Adresse 106, route d'Arlon, 8210, Mamer
Internet www.lemanikgroup.com
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The aim of this Fund is to achieve the highest possible capital growth in EUR. The Fund will invest at least 70% of its net assets in transferable equity securities and rights evidencing ownership of equity, with focus on developed markets (primarily USA and Western Europe). The Fund"s strategy is also to invest in Financial Derivatives Instruments (instruments whose prices are dependent on one or more underlying assets "FDIs"). The Investment Manager is free to manage the exposure to relevant exchange rates and may decide to hedge (an investment position intended to offset potential losses) or not to hedge exchange risks. The Fund may also invest in a wide range of securities. On an ancillary basis, the Fund may hold cash and cash equivalents.
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