, boerse-express

Daeubner: The financial crisis is over

in case you didn’t know: the financial crisis is over

emerging markets are famous to be very cyclical. many perma-bears lost big in this last week, every shorting attempt was shook off by the market with ever extending and expanding gains. China is up a good 80%, Russia, India and Brazil are in the mid-double digit returns for the year.

I wonder how many Chinese fund managers managed to beat the market this year.

I know I beat the market last year. what you don’t know is my 2008 performance and that is a good 200%.

I closed the fiscal year 2008 on April 14th (all trades are to be found on daytrading.de). Siddharta-3 will go live as soon as I finished the forward tests. it is however a good feeling to be well ahead of the market.