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EQS-Gesamtstimmrechtsmitteilung: Adler Group S.A. (deutsch)

Adler Group S.A.: Adler Group S.A.: Release according to Luxembourg Transparency Law with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

EQS Gesamtstimmrechtsmitteilung: Adler Group S.A. / Total Voting Rights


Adler Group S.A.: Adler Group S.A.: Release according to Luxembourg

Transparency Law with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

21.10.2024 / 21:05 CET/CEST

Veröffentlichung der Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte übermittelt durch EQS News -

ein Service der EQS Group AG.

Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


Form to be used for the disclosure of the total number of voting rights and

capital, in accordance with the Law and Grand-ducal Regulation of 11 January

2008 on transparency requirements for issuers

1 Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares

to which voting rights are attached i (including the issuer

reference number allocated by the CSSF)

ADLER Group S.A.

2 Identity of the notifier (if another person makes the notification

on behalf of the issuer)

3 Total number of shares composing the share capital of the notifying



4 Total number of voting rights attached to the shares composing the

share capital of the notifying issuer, including the suspended

voting rights ii


5 Total number of voting rights, excluding suspended voting rights

(exercisable voting rights) (optional)


6 Origin of the change iii

Issuance of 454,878,321 voting securities (parts bénéficiaires -

ISIN LU2900363131) not representing the share capital.

7 Date when the change occurred 15/10/2024

8 In the previous notification (optional)

- the total number of shares was of 151.626.107

- the total number of voting rights was of 151.626.107 - the total

number of exercisable voting rights was of 151.626.107

i Either the full name of the legal entity or another method for identifying

the issuer or underlying issuer, provided it is reliable and accurate.

ii For further details on the total number of voting rights, please refer to

point 1(b) of Circular CSSF 08/349.

iii As, for example, a capital increase or reduction.

21.10.2024 CET/CEST Die EQS Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche

Meldepflichten, Corporate News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen.

Medienarchiv unter https://eqs-news.com

Sprache: Deutsch

Unternehmen: Adler Group S.A.

55 Allée Scheffer

2520 Luxemburg


Internet: www.adler-group.com

Ende der Mitteilung EQS News-Service

2012901 21.10.2024 CET/CEST

 ISIN  LU1250154413

AXC0232 2024-10-21/21:05

Relevante Links: Adler Group SA

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