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Mr. Bruce Collins appointed Deputy Chairman of Compagnie Financière Tradition

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Mr. Bruce Collins joins Compagnie Financière Tradition today as
Deputy Chairman reporting to the Chairman Mr. Patrick Combes. Mr.
Collins will be working with the Chairman on matters of Strategy and
Corporate planning. Mr. Collins has previously held positions of
Global CEO at Tullett Liberty and Asian CEO at ICAP.

With a presence in 24 countries, Compagnie Financière Tradition is
the world's third largest interdealer broker (IDB). The Group
provides broking services for a broad spectrum of financial products
(money market products, bonds, interest rate, currency and credit
derivatives, equities, equity derivatives, interest rate futures and
index futures) and non-financial products (energy, environmental
products and precious metals).
Compagnie Financière Tradition is listed on the SWX Swiss Exchange
(CFT). For more information on our Group, visit our site at

Lausanne, 24 January 2008

Press contacts:

Compagnie Financière
Patrick Combes,
Tel.: +41 21 343 52

Rochat & Partners
Violaine Dällenbach
Tel.: +41 22 718 37 42

--- Ende der Mitteilung ---

Compagnie Financière Tradition
Langallerie 11 Lausanne Schweiz

870121; ISIN: CH0014345117; Index: SPI, SSCI, SPIEX;
Notiert: Main Market in SWX Swiss Exchange;
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Relevante Links: Compagnie Financière Tradition S.A.

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