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Stimmrechte: Interhyp AG: Veröffentlichung einer Stimmrechtsmitteilung gem. § 26 Abs.1 WpHG mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

Die Schroders plc., London, United Kingdom, hat uns am 9. Mai 2007
gemäß § 21 Abs. 1 WpHG die folgende Veränderung ihrer
Stimmrechtsanteile an der Interhyp AG, München, Deutschland,
mitgeteilt. Die Schroders plc. ist die Muttergesellschaft der
Schroder Administration Limited, London, United Kingdom, die wiederum
die Muttergesellschaft der Schroder Investment Management Limited,
London, United Kingdom, ist.

We, Schroders plc., write to advise you, in accordance with sec. 21
para. 1 WpHG that our shareholding in Interhyp AG, Marcel-Breuer-Str.
18, 80807 Munich, Germany went below the 3% threshold and amounted to
2.72% (equivalent to 176,498 shares of 6,498,350 total shares) on 03
May 2007. These voting rights are in their entirety attributable to
Schroders plc. pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 and sent. 2
and 3 WpHG.

We, Schroder Administration Limited, write to advise you, in
accordance with sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG that our shareholding in
Interhyp AG, Marcel-Breuer-Str. 18, 80807 Munich, Germany went below
the 3% threshold and amounted to 2.72% (equivalent to 176,498 shares
of 6,498,350 total shares) on 03 May 2007. These voting rights are in
their entirety attributable to Schroder Administration Limited
pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 and sent. 2 and 3 WpHG.

We, Schroder Investment Management Ltd., write to advise you, in
accordance with sec. 21 para. 1 WpHG that our shareholding in
Interhyp AG, Marcel-Breuer-Str. 18, 80807 Munich, Germany went below
the 3% threshold and amounted to 2.72% (equivalent to 176,498 shares
of 6,498,350 total shares) on 03 May 2007. These voting rights are in
their entirety attributable to Schroder Investment Management Ltd.
pursuant to sec. 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 WpHG.

Interhyp AG
Der Vorstand



Schroders plc., London, United Kingdom

Angaben zum Emittenten:

Interhyp AG
Parkstadt Schwabing
Marcel-Breuer-Str. 18
80807 München

WKN: 512170
ISIN: DE0005121701

Ansprechpartner für Rückfragen:
Investor Relations
Florian Prabst
Tel: +49 89 20307 1310
eMail: ir@interhyp.de

--- Ende der Mitteilung ---

Interhyp AG
Marcel-Breuer-Straße 18 München Deutschland

512170; ISIN: DE0005121701; Index: CDAX, CLASSIC All Share, Prime All
Share, GEX, SDAX;
Notiert: Prime Standard in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse, Amtlicher
Markt in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse;

Relevante Links: Interhyp AG

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