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Compagnie Financière Tradition : Decision to increase share capital in connection with a scrip dividend charged to capital reserves

Compagnie Financière Tradition / Compagnie Financière Tradition : Decision to increase share capital in connection with a scrip dividend charged to capital reserves . Verarbeitet und übermittelt durch Thomson Reuters ONE. Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent verantwortlich.

Press release




Decision to increase share capital in connection with a scrip dividend charged to capital reserves



Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of Compagnie Financière Tradition SA held on 23 May 2013, in addition to approving the company and group annual accounts, approved a dividend of CHF 2 per bearer share of CHF 2.50 nominal value. The total dividend payment of CHF 12,979,272 will be charged to free reserves.

Compagnie Financière Tradition shares will go ex-dividend on 27 May 2012.

The AGM decided that each shareholder could elect to receive this dividend in cash or in new Compagnie Financière Tradition bearer shares (scrip dividend), in accordance with and subject to the Board proposal published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce on 30 April 2013.

The election period runs from 27 May 2013 to noon on 3 June 2013 (CET).

The issue price of the new bearer shares is set at CHF 44; 22 No 15 coupons will therefore be required to obtain one new share.

To enable payment of the dividend to shareholders who elect to receive new shares, the AGM voted to increase the present share capital by an amount not exceeding CHF 750,000, bringing the increased share capital to a maximum of CHF 16,974,090 by issuing up to 300,000 bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 2.50 each. These shares will be fully paid up by conversion of the Company's available equity. The new shares will carry dividend rights from the 2013 financial year.

The issue prospectus, within the meaning of Section 652a of the Swiss Code of Obligations, will be published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce on May 27, and on the Compagnie Financière Tradition SA website (www.tradition.com).



With a presence in 28 countries, Compagnie Financière Tradition SA is one of the world's leading interdealer brokers (IDB).The Group provides broking services for a complete range of financial products (money market products, bonds, interest rate, currency and credit derivatives, equities, equity derivatives, interest rate futures and index futures) and non-financial products (energy and environmental products, and precious metals).


Compagnie Financière Tradition (CFT) is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange.For more information on our Group, please visit our website at www.tradition.com.

Lausanne, 23 May 2013


Press contacts:

Compagnie Financière Tradition SA
Patrick Combes, Président
Tel. : +41 21 343 52 87  
Voxia communication
Jérémy Nieckowski
Tel. : +41 22 591 22 65
Email : jeremy.nieckowski@voxia.ch


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Source: Compagnie Financière Tradition via Thomson Reuters ONE


--- Ende der Mitteilung ---

Compagnie Financière Tradition
Langallerie 11 Lausanne Schweiz

WKN: 870121;ISIN: CH0014345117;
Notiert: Freiverkehr in Börse Stuttgart,
Freiverkehr in Börse Berlin,
Open Market (Freiverkehr) in Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse;

Relevante Links: Compagnie Financière Tradition S.A.

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