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Verbindung Nestlé-L'Oréal auf neuer Basis

Vevey, den 3. Februar 2004 - Die Gesellschaft Gesparal,
Mehrheitsaktionärin bei L'Oréal, teilt mit, dass ihre zwei Aktionäre,
Nestlé AG und die Familie Bettencourt, übereingekommen sind, eine
Fusion zwischen L'Oréal und Gesparal vorzuschlagen.

Folgende Elemente der Vereinbarung verdienen es, hervorgehoben zu

- Die Verschmelzung von Gesparal und L'Oréal hat keinen Einfluss auf
die Finanzstruktur und die Resultate von L'Oréal.
- Nestlé, als Inhaberin von 49 Prozent der Aktien von Gesparal, wird
in der Folge dieser Fusion Direktaktionärin von L'Oréal, mit einer
Beteiligung von 26,4 Prozent.
- Der Generalversammlung von L'Oréal wird vorgeschlagen, die
doppelten Stimmrechte abzuschaffen.
- Die Familie Bettencourt und Nestlé haben sich verpflichtet, ihre
jeweiligen Beteiligungen während einer bestimmten Frist nicht zu
- Die Familie Bettencourt und Nestlé haben sich gegenseitig für zehn
Jahre ein Vorkaufsrecht auf ihre jeweiligen Beteiligungen in L'Oréal

Rainer E. Gut, Präsident des Verwaltungsrates der Nestlé AG,
erklärte: "Ich bin sehr befriedigt, dass wir eine Einigung erzielt
haben, welche die Interessen aller Beteiligten wahrt. Die
Nestlé-Aktionäre kommen in den Genuss einer grösseren Transparenz bei
der Bewertung der Beteiligung in L'Oréal, die für uns eine wichtige
strategische Investition darstellt."

Die neue Vereinbarung, die heute von Gesparal bekanntgegeben wurde,
annulliert und ersetzt die bis jetzt getroffenen Abmachungen zwischen
der Familie Bettencourt und Nestlé; dies trifft auch auf die
Verpflichtung von Nestlé zu, auf Aufforderung der Familie alle oder
einen Teil deren Aktien in Gesparal zu erwerben.

Die Nestlé und L'Oréal gemeinsamen Tochterunternehmen, d.h. Galderma
und Innéov, sind von der neuen Vereinbarung in keiner Weise betroffen
und erfahren keine Veränderung.

Peter Brabeck-Letmathe, Vizepräsident des Verwaltungsrates und CEO
der Nestlé AG, sagte: "Ich bin überzeugt, dass die nun unterzeichnete
Vereinbarung eine sehr solide Basis darstellt, um die ausgezeichneten
Beziehungen, die im Verlauf der letzten 30 Jahre zwischen Nestlé und
L'Oréal aufgebaut wurden, noch zu verstärken. Diese Einigung
ermöglicht es, die Kontinuität in der operativen Zusammenarbeit im
Rahmen unserer Joint Ventures zu bewahren und stellt für Nestlé eine
vermehrte Flexibilität hinsichtlich ihrer strategischen Investition
in der weltweit führenden Kosmetik-Gruppe dar."

Medien: François-Xavier Perroud +41-21-924 2596
Investoren: Roddy Child-Villiers +41-21-924 3622

Sie finden untenstehend die englischsprachige Pressemitteilung von
Gesparal mit detaillierten Informationen:

Proposed Merger between Gesparal and L'Oréal

Paris, February 3, 2004. The two shareholders of Gesparal, Mrs.
Liliane Bettencourt and her family, and Nestlé, have agreed to
propose the absorption of Gesparal by L'Oréal. The Gesparal Holding
Company owns 53.8% of the Capital and 71.7% of voting rights of
L'Oréal. The Bettencourt family and Nestlé own respectively, 51% and
49% of Gesparal.

The extraordinary development of L'Oréal over the last 30 years
during which Gesparal was its majority shareholder enabled it to
become the world leader in its field. Today, it is possible and
desirable to simplify the capital structure. In addition, the greater
transparency and the further development of corporate governance,
both of which are provided for in this agreement, will encourage the
continuing development of L'Oréal.

The main points of the agreement are the following:

- The absorption of Gesparal by L'Oréal will be proposed at the next
Annual Shareholders Meeting, planned for April 29, 2004. After
completion, the Bettencourt family will hold 27.5% of L'Oréal's
capital, and Nestlé 26.4%. The merger will have no effect, nor on its
financial structure or on its results, as Gesparal's investment
portfolio is composed exclusively of L'Oréal's shares and it has no

- At the same annual shareholders meeting of L'Oréal, it will also be
proposed to eliminate double voting rights.

- The Bettencourt family and Nestlé have agreed to keep all of their
L'Oréal shares for a period of 5 years, beginning with the date of
this shareholders meeting. However, should there be a public tender
offer for L'Oréal shares by a third party, the Bettencourt family and
Nestlé would have the right to tender their shares or to make a

- The Bettencourt family and Nestlé have agreed not to increase,
either directly or indirectly, their respective shareholdings in
L'Oréal, during the lifetime of Mrs. Bettencourt, and in any case
during a period of at least 3 years, starting from the date of this
shareholders meeting.

- The Bettencourt family and Nestlé have mutually agreed to mutual
rights of pre-emption on their respective shareholdings in L'Oréal
for a period of 10 years. The Bettencourt family has the option of
substituting a third party, notably L'Oréal.

- A shareholders meeting will be asked to approve the nomination of
three board members designated by the Bettencourt family and three
board members designated by Nestlé, as it is currently the case. At
the board of directors of L'Oréal, the election of 2 Vice Chairmen,
one nominated by the Bettencourt family and one nominated by Nestlé
will also be proposed.

- The Board of Directors of L'Oréal will also be asked to create a
Committee for Strategy and Implementation, made up of 6 members,
including the CEO of L'Oréal who will be Chairman. 2 members of this
committee will be proposed by the Bettencourt family, 2 by Nestlé and
1 independent board member will also be included. It will meet 6
times a year. As in the case of the other Board committees, it will
have a role of advice and recommendation, with the Board retaining
all of its responsibilities.

- This agreement is effective upon signature. It takes the place of
any other agreement between the Bettencourt family and Nestlé.

The agreement will be submitted to the "Autorité des Marchés
Financiers" (AMF), the French financial market regulatory authority.
The merger provided for in the agreement is conditional upon the
finding by the market authorities that there is no requirement for a
public offer for L'Oréal shares in light of the planned merger.

This agreement will be published in its entirety following the
decision of the AMF.

Mrs. Liliane Bettencourt and Mr. Rainer E. Gut, Chairman of the Board
of Directors of Nestlé, stated: "Our objective is to continue with
our excellent and mutual understanding and our balanced relationship,
which, along with the quality and the extraordinary commitment of
L'Oréal management and its employees, has contributed for so many
years to making the company one of the best in the world."

Mr. Rainer E. Gut said: "We are convinced that the agreement
represents a very solid base for continuing the impressive and very
profitable growth of L'Oréal, to which the Bettencourt family and
Nestlé have contributed since 1974, by the support through Gesparal."

Mrs. Liliane Bettencourt and her daughter Mrs. Françoise Bettencourt
Meyers stated: "Through this new agreement, we are expressing our
loyalty and attachment to the L'Oréal Company, and the confidence
that, both of us have in L'Oréal, in its CEO Lindsay Owen-Jones and
in all of its employees who are responsible for its long term
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