, GlobeNewswire
U.C.A. AG: Tentative overall result for 2002 based on IAS
In the business year 2002 U.C.A. achieved revenues of Euro 0.94
million from the sale of shares and from the sale of non-listed
holdings. After depreciations on holdings of Euro 1.0 million the
negative EBT is about Euro 0.37 million. The 14 companies under
active management in the portfolio holdings are still valued at a
total of Euro 3.2 million. With KfW-bank liabilities of Euro 3.6
million U.C.A. currently has liquid cash deposits of about Euro 19.0
million. Beside bonds and other securities available for sale are
valued at about Euro 7.7 million. Free cash funds are about Euro 23.0
million and the estimated operative cost structure since this year is
below Euro 1.8 million per year. The business year 2003 will be a
difficult year for the investment industry and also for U.C.A. Due to
a low cost structure and a positive interest result in cash
management even a small number of successful transactions and
mandates could lead to a balanced overall result.
U.C.A. Aktiengesellschaft
IR Oliver Schulte Tel.: +49 (0) 89 - 99 31 94 -25 e-Mail:
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