Aktuelle Entwicklung


Fondstyp Rentenfonds
Branche Anleihen Gemischt
Ursprungsland Luxemburg
KESt-Meldefonds Ja
Auflagedatum 26.03.2021
Fondsvolumen 1,00 Mrd. EUR

Größte Positionen

Twin Bridges 2022-1 A 2,52 %
Together Asset Backed Securitisation 2024-1ST1X 2,27 %
PCL Funding 2024-1 A 1,94 %
Polaris 2023-2 A 1,90 %
Sonstiges 91,37 %


Zeitraum vor AGA nach max. AGA
1 Jahr +6,03 % -
3 Jahre p.a. - -
5 Jahre p.a. - -
52W Hoch:
109,6294 EUR
52W Tief:
103,3776 EUR

Konditionen für Handel via KAG

Transaktionsentgelt 3,00 %
Sparplan Nein
Managementgebühr 0,00 %
Annahmeschluss -

Fonds Prospekte

2024 Basisinformationsblatt (21.05.24)
2022 Key Investor Information (14.02.22)


The Sub-Fund aims to provide a higher total return (the combination of income and capital growth) than that of the Benchmark over any three-year period, net of fees. The Sub-Fund invests in Asset-Backed Securities and other floating rate instruments that are Investment Grade (i.e. at the time of investment are rated at least BBB- or equivalent by a recognised rating agency, such as Standard & Poor"s, Fitch or Moody"s, or in the case of unrated securities, securities which are deemed to be of comparable credit quality by the Investment Manager) and denominated in any currency. In usual market conditions, at least 70% of the portfolio will be invested in Asset Backed Securities and at least 80% of the portfolio is expected to be subject to a credit rating of at least AA-; this is a credit rating which is above that included in the definition of "Investment Grade" in the Prospectus and will mean that these are usually in the senior tranches for Asset Backed Securities which are towards the top of the capital structure. The Sub-Fund may invest up to 10% of its assets in securities that are not rated by any recognised rating agency, in which case a comparable internal credit rating will be used.
Fondsmanager: Matthew Wardle, Scott Ellerby, Joseph Rice


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