BNY Mellon Long-Term Gl.Eq.St.W GBP Acc
WKN A2JG56 | ISIN IE00B90KGT31 | Fonds
Aktuelle Entwicklung
Fondstyp | Aktienfonds |
Branche | Branchenmix |
Ursprungsland | Irland |
KESt-Meldefonds | - |
Auflagedatum | 06.12.2012 |
Fondsvolumen | - |
Größte Positionen
MICROSOFT DL-,00000625 | 3,56 % |
NOVO-NORDISK AS B DK 0,1 | 3,22 % |
MASTERCARD INC.A DL-,0001 | 3,04 % |
Sonstiges | 86,31 % |
Zeitraum | vor AGA | nach max. AGA |
1 Jahr | +13,91 % | +8,52 % |
3 Jahre p.a. | +6,99 % | +5,26 % |
5 Jahre p.a. | - | - |
52W Hoch:
4,0039 GBP
4,0039 GBP
52W Tief:
3,4444 GBP
3,4444 GBP
Konditionen für Handel via KAG
Transaktionsentgelt | 5,00 % |
Sparplan | Nein |
Managementgebühr | 0,75 % |
Annahmeschluss | 12:00 |
Fonds Prospekte
2024 Verkaufsprospekt (10.12.24) |
2024 Basisinformationsblatt (02.08.24) |
2024 Halbjahresbericht (30.06.24) |
2023 Rechenschaftsbericht (31.12.23) |
2022 Key Investor Information (07.11.22) |
To achieve long-term capital appreciation through investing primarily (meaning at least three quarters of the Fund's total assets) in a portfolio of equity and equity related securities of companies located throughout the world.
The Fund will: invest anywhere in the world, invest in company shares and similar investments, select investments using fundamental analysis including evaluation of balance sheet strength. For each investment in the portfolio, the investment manager will complete an evaluation on environmental (pollution and waste management), human and social capital (conduct and culture, bribery and corruption) and governance (board independence, shareholder protection) considerations. All investments will have to adhere to the Investment Manager's environmental, social and governance ("ESG") criteria, promote environmental and social characteristics pursuant to Article 8 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation ("SFDR"), and invest at least 5% of its Net Asset Value (NAV) in companies that meet the definition of sustainable investments under SFDR and exclude companies that participate in specific areas of activity that the Investment Manager deems to be harmful from an environmental or social perspective. All companies in which investments are made follow good governance practices.
Fondsmanager: Team approach
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